Are you ready to find out what type of PCOS you have?

If you answered:

  1. Yes to all questions, you have ‘Classic PCOS
  2. No to Q4 (you don’t have cysts on your ovaries) you have ‘Complex PCOS
  3. No to Q3 (you don’t have irregular periods) you have ‘Masked PCOS
  4. No to Q4 (you don’t struggle with your weight) you have ‘Atypical PCOS

Classic PCOS – Even though you’re a grown woman, you still struggle with acne, you’ve been on the pill for decades to regulate your cycle, and even though you’ve tried cutting out carbs, dairy and gluten, your weight continues to escalate. 

Complex PCOS – You’re confused as to whether or not you actually have PCOS as although you experience all the side effects of PCOS such as irregular periods, trouble losing weight and adult acne, you don’t actually have many cysts on your ovaries.  This can leave you wondering whether it’s something that you’re doing wrong.  You switch between trying diets recommended by PCOS influencers, your own dietary experiments and eating whatever you feel like at the time.

Masked PCOS – You’ve been struggling with your weight for years, but couldn’t figure out why.  Finally, after years of speaking to doctors, you were diagnosed with PCOS.  Your metabolism is in a mess and you feel like the only way to lose weight is to starve yourself. 

Atypical PCOS – You were diagnosed with PCOS later in life.  Although you’ve been diagnosed with it now, you don’t feel like you fit the typical PCOS stereotype.  Although you’ve tried some of the dietary recommendations, your periods remain irregular, and you’re probably feeling confused about how to improve them and what you should be eating. 

We bet you’ve already tried one or more of the following:

Unfortunately these strategies may not be the best decision to improve your PCOS symptoms.  If you’ve given them a go though, we get why.  They’re commonly discussed in PCOS forums, by influences and perhaps even by your doctor.  But, we are willing to bet that although you’ve tried them, you are still experiencing symptoms such as irregular periods, mood swings and have gained at least another kilogram over the past 3 months.

Think about it….don’t you think that a hormonal condition as complex as PCOS is going to take a little more tailored advice to get your hormones back into a healthy rhythm than simply cutting out a food group or following a fad diet?  If such simple fixes were all you needed to do, then everyone with PCOS would be catwalk thin and have a regular menstrual cycle, but we know that’s not the case!  

Now, we know this may be going against the ways you’ve been doing things, but isn’t it more important to focus on how to do things differently so that you can get different results instead of continuing to do what you’ve been doing, and get the same results over and over?


The Nutrition Addition Method

Experience the difference of The Nutrition Addition Method. At Nutrition Plus, we pioneered The Nutrition Addition Method, providing targeted nutrition solutions for individuals and couples from the preconception stage through pregnancy, postpartum, and the toddler years.

Through the method, our expert dietitians use:

We created this protocol after treating hundreds of women every year now KNOWING what the key factors are to achieving accelerated results.

The Nutrition Addition Method for accelerated results is here.

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